A situation that really made me think:
When asking or checking for a customer’s ID, it is incredibly important that one remains focused, and that no sales are made until the employee has complete confidence that the customer is of legal age. An anonymous friend of mine at a local E-Cig store was recently caught being careless, and allowed an underage child to purchase tobacco products. An undercover officer sent an underage informant, the man checked ID, But failed to acknowledge that she was only at the age 16. No matter where this happens or whether discovered by an Officer or FDA agent, it affects everyone in the Vape industry. The FDA may seem out to get us, but we have to work with them to keep things running smoothly. All employees or supporters of the Vape industry should support the cause to end underage smoking/Vaping, especially given that the problem is frequently used as ammunition to harm us. Stay cautious and be prepared. We must remember that as an industry, regardless of competition, we are all a team, trying to end the plague of cigarettes together.
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